hi.. *smile*.. what follows are the conditions for becoming a candidate for the office of Governor.
Keep in mind that the purpose of setting up 'sister sites' to SOI is two fold. To increase the amount of flexibility afforded to its citizens, yes, but also to reduce the amount of stress I have as I try to cope with the large size of SOI. The Governor should be working to support me as best they can. If the Governor feels that they cannot support me in a decision I make, they should resign quietly and support the process of a new election.
Anyone can join and when they do, they have a right to use the system up until the time I say that the don't. The Governor cannot revoke a citizen's account. If the Governor feels revocation is warranted they may forward me any and all information associated with the incident and I will make a determination. The Governor should publically support any decision I make in response to any incidents I investigate, although they should feel free to make recommendations and comments to me as they think is necessary/proper.
While special links and postings can be made in support of majority or minority factions within the site.. at no time should a common area be declared off limits to particular individuals or groups. The common areas may be designated for individual purposes and those purposes enforced... but all enforcement needs to be judged against the rule and a persons action.. without being colored by who an individual is or is not...
You cannot use material to decorate the site that is not yours and for which you have not obtained a license to use for the lifetime of the site...
It is your responsibility to use material that you have a legal right to use.. and.. you may be held liable if you use material for which proper permission has not been obtained in the same manner that you are held liable for material you use in your personal account...
Any material that is used for the site is considered a donation to the site. You make a decision to take your work away because you get mad or are no longer "in office". If you do not want to donate the material to the site, DON'T USE IT IN THE FIRST PLACE.
If someone is to be banned or blocked.. it is simply done.. without fanfare and without making a public spectacle...
Ideally... You should only contact me if you are having a technical problem with the site.. or a situation with a person has gotten to the point that you wish to discuss having someone banned or booted...
I will tell you in advance that booting people from a site is extremely rare and can only be done if they violate one of the SOI rules... so.. in situations where something is occuring other than a violation of an SOI rule... then a more likely 'penalty' would be blocking someone from a room.. or.. putting someone on permanent ignore.
I cannot stress enough that everyone who has paid for the use of the site should have every opportunity to do so...
If a non-citizen is causing trouble.. you simply click on the * of their post.. and a blocking button will appear...
If you push the button..and the person does not disappear..that means they either have a dynamic ip address... they have disconnected their ip session and dialed back in..to get a different IP.. or.. they are a citizen in disguise and cannot be booted...
If it is one of the first two.. just keep booting them... if it is a citizen and cannot be booted.. you will have to contact me for assistance...
It only takes a second for you to push the button.. so.. if it is a non-citizen with a changing ip you will eventually wear them down and they will go away...
One other important note about this.. you should NEVER.. EVER say to a visitor.. "STOP OR I WILL BOOT YOU"... If someone deserves to be booted.. you just boot them.. period...
Justice should be swift and silent... and handling the sitution without warning will confuse the person..and make the booting more effective.. rather than starting an argument which makes the booting less effective..by making the person more determined...
Unlike citizens.. you can use your better judgement in determining whether or not it is appropriate to boot a non-citizen...
Thanks.. love..seph
Last Updated: 9/12/98